I am a DPhil candidate at the Oxford School of Anthropology and Museum Ehtnography and my research interests include migration, diasporas, transnationalism, citizenship, return and the European Union. My DPhil research investigates post-Brexit (re)constructions of citizenship and affective identifications amongst Hungarian migrants to the UK. I look at how they intertwine opportunities, values and visions embodied by their national (Hungarian), supranational (European) and local (British) ‘citizenship’ to realign migration goals to the changing structural conditions brought about by Brexit and the Hungarian state’s diaspora engagement schemes.
Prior to coming to Oxford, I worked for the Hungarian State Secretary for Nation Policy as a cultural facilitator delegate to the Hungarian diaspora in Argentina and completed a traineeship at the Cabinet of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport of the European Commission. I hold an MLitt in Cultural Studies from the University of St Andrews and an MA in Anthropology from the University of Vienna.