
The work of the Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics encompasses the study of ancient and modern languages, theoretical work in the core areas of theoretical linguistics and historical linguistics, and interdisciplinary work in psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, sociolinguistics, and computational linguistics.

Students in psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics are trained and work in the state-of-the-art Language and the Brain Laboratory and Phonetics Laboratory.


1+3.5 and 2+2.5 routes are available, with training starting either with a one-year MSt or two-year MPhil:

  • The 1+3.5 route starts with the MSt in Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics and caters for students who have already studied some linguistics and wish to pursue advanced studies, or for those who transfer into linguistics from a related area at a relatively advanced level.
  • The 2+3.5 route offers a broader preparation in Linguistics and provides students with an alternative training option. In the first two years, students study the MPhil in Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics.

Admission directly to the DPhil in Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics for +3.5 candidates is possible if they have completed appropriate core training that meets the ESRC 2022 Training Guidelines. 

Information about the Faculty’s postgraduate programmes can be found here.


Doctoral students in Linguistics frequently visit academic and non-academic international institutions for collaborative research and study. Recent destinations include Stanford University, Leiden University, Amsterdam University, Empirical Foundations of Linguistics at Paris 3, and Frauenhofer Institut.

Students studying endangered or minority languages collaborate with institutions and community leaders in their respective areas to document and promote these languages in schools and communities. Current examples include collaboration with the ‘Association pour la promotion et le développement de la langue baraïn’, a member organisation of ‘Fédération d'Associations pour la Promotion des Langues du Guéra’, a regional literacy organisation in south-central Chad recognised by UNESCO, as well as with the Hrusso Aka Socio-Cultural Society, an organisation in northeast India, developing school books and promoting mother-tongue literacy among Hrusso Aka speakers.

Research students in Linguistics go on to a wide range of successful academic careers, in linguistics and adjacent disciplines, in academic institutions across the world. They also enter senior research and executive roles in the private and public sectors.

Pathway leader: Dr Hanne Eckhoff


University of Oxford

Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics
Structure of provision: 1+3.5, 2+3.5, +3.5