The +3.5 route (DPhil in Anthropology) is for research students who have completed appropriate core training that meets the ESRC 2022 Training Guidelines.
The +4 route (DPhil in Anthropology) provides students with the opportunity to combine full training in anthropological methods, including quantitative methods, with further subject training in one or more specialist sub-fields, such as medical anthropology, or museum anthropology. In their first year of the +4 students will take a tailored programme of training, drawing from one or more of the four specialist MSc and MPhil courses hosted by the School (in Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology, Medical Anthropology, Social Anthropology, and Visual, Material and Museum Anthropology) as relevant to their doctoral projects.
Further information about the School’s postgraduate programmes can be found here.
Formal internships have been carried out with the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology and Isis Innovation by students on this pathway. Many students also informally ‘intern’ with organisations and research communities during their fieldwork, offering skills such as literacy, English-language tuition or first aid, in exchange for research access and data acquisition.
Recent knowledge exchange projects within the School include work on women’s reproductive health (partnering with a digital health start up), on migrant parents’ engagement with schools (with local council and education officials), and on archiving practices (with the British Library).